You Are Here
Helping visitors find their way
You Are Here maps
Every time you step into a shopping mall, you likely pass by a map very similar to the one pictured above. This is, very simply, a You Are Here map. This type of mapping, or wayfinding, is very easy to create and is incredibly helpful in directing people to a specific destination.
You already know how they work. A notation on the map helps the viewer orient to their current location and the direction they’re facing. From there, it’s a fairly simple matter to visibly chart a path to wherever one wishes to go.
Aside from malls, we see them frequently in various businesses, transportation terminals, hospitals, VA medical centers, schools and, increasingly, churches.
Pictured above are two views of a You Are Here map located adjacent to one of the primary entrances to First Baptist Church in Bryan, TX. As with all other such maps designed by 3:5-6 Maps, this is a simple and straightforward design that is taken from the base floor maps of their facilities.
Once the primary floor designs are complete, it’s an easy step to use the finished map to create these very effective wayfinding tools to help visitors navigate a campus or facility that may not be familiar to them.
You Are Here maps are remarkably effective in helping visitors to a new campus, or facility, navigate a path to where they wish to be; especially when greeters or other staff are not available to assist.'
Many churches today hold community events during weekday hours, or host a food panty or pastors conference. So many people walk through the doors of our churches in the hours outside the usual weekend worship times. Many of those folks need help finding their way both spiritually and spatially.
You Are Here maps are just one of a number of wayfinding tools that make it far easier and much less stressful for a visitor to your church to find their way.